There can be a myriad of issues in the workplace which may warrant independent HR investigations and possibly, disciplinary procedures. Engaged HR can conduct impartial and independent investigations and can provide written reports, recommendations and trusted advice to employers on how best to proceed.

Thorough HR investigations are most important in cases of for example: alleged misconduct, bullying and harassment or breaches of internal policies and procedures.

It is most important for employers to engage experienced HR support to ensure the application of the rules of natural justice, in all investigation and possible disciplinary procedures. The rules of natural justice include the right to respond, the right to a fair hearing, the right to information and the right to representation.

Some examples of employee issues that can lead to potential investigations and disciplinary procedures include:

How an Independent HR Consultancy can help with HR Investigations

SMEs may not have internal HR resource(s) or the resources in house to conduct fair, accurate and transparent procedures. Attempts to resolve employee issues, without adequately trained resources, and potentially in the absence of fair procedures may lead to employers being exposed to litigation.

Engaged HR have the skills and experience to provide an independent and impartial professional service, conducting investigation meetings and interviews, drafting report findings and recommendations and ultimately protection to the employer.

How Engaged HR Can Help

Professional Advice

Fair Procedures

Manager Education Hub

Employer Protection

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